Notes due to – Brian Roberts,
grad. student at CS Dept., WPI
MAS Course
To search, according to Merriam-Webster's online dictionary, means “to look into or over carefully or thoroughly in an effort to find or discover something: as to examine in seeking something; to make painstaking investigation or examination.” These definitions accurately describe the term, as used in the multi-agents systems field. An agent, in an initial state or position, must carefully investigate possible options, in order to find a path to a final goal or solution.
Although there are many different algorithms available, these can be categorized into two main classes: off-line and real-time. An off-line search finds a complete solution path before attempting any steps towards the goal. In contrast, a real-time search computes just enough, so as to determine a reasonable next step. After taking the previous 'most reasonable' move, a real-time search algorithm performs further computation to determine the next 'most reasonable' step...and so on, repeating until a final state or goal is reached. Real-time searches do not guarantee to find an optimal solution, but serve only to interleave planning steps and actually executing them.
Put simply, these searches do what is known as 'path-finding'. This is used when an agent needs to get from one state to a (possibly) distant state through a sequence of operators or moves. A path-finding problem, MAS and other areas, consists of the following components:
?N: a set of nodes, each representing a state,
?L: set of directed links, each representing an operator available to a problem-solving agent.
?s: a unique node, representing the start node
?G: set of nodes G, each representing a final state (G ? N)
The basis of the algorithms mentioned above, and later in this text, is asynchronous dynamic programming. This process relies on the principle of optimality:a path P is optimal if, and only if all sub-paths along the path are optimal. That is, for every intermediate path between the starting and ending node, the path must be the shortest possible available.
For convenience, h*(i) is used to denote the distance from node i to the nearest goal node. Asynchronous dynamic programming repeatedly computes successive approximations of h*(i), denoted by h(i), at each node in the graph. For true asynchronous dynamic programming, every node must contain an asynchronous process, independently updating its h(i) approximation function. Each node i follows the following algorithm:
for each neighbor node j:
f*(j) = k(i, j) + h(j)
k(i, j): distance from node i to j
h(i): estimated shortest distance from node i to goal
h(i) = minj f(j)
This process is repeated until the approximations h(i) convert to the actual values of h*(i). It can be proved that h(i) will converge for every node i, provided that k(i, j) never over-estimates the cost.
No paper would be complete without mentioning
A* (pronounced: “A star”), perhaps the most famous heuristic off-line
searching algorithm of all-time. Several real-time algorithms have been
based off of A*, including
the Learning Real-Time A* and Real-time A* algorithms.
The basic concept of the A* algorithm is a best-first
search—the most probable paths are explored first, searching outward from
the starting node until it reaches the goal node . The best path is determined
by choosing the option with the lowest cost, where cost is measured by
the function: f(n) = g(n) + h'(n).
The function g(n) is the actual cost of the path so far, while h'(n)
is a heuristic function of the estimated cost of the path from the current
state to the final goal.
This algorithm will always find an optimal path
to a goal, provided the heuristic function is 'admissible'—it does not
over-estimate the cost from the current node to the goal. It is worthy
to note, that if the heuristic function too often under-estimates the costs,
then A* will have to search too many probable paths, and may run out of
time before any solution is found. However, if the heuristic function too
often over-estimates the costs, a solution can be found very quickly, but
will likely be sub-optimal. The admissibility of h'(n)
error-tolerant—should h'(n) occasionally over-estimates h
of the path by cost C, then A* will only occasionally find an answer
that costs more than cost C more than the optimal cost.
Learning Real-Time A*
The algorithm Learning Real-Time A* (LRTA*) is conceptionally almost the same as A*; LRTA* can be viewed as the real-time version of A*. The traversal through the nodes is as follows:
for each neighbor j of current node i
compute f(j) = k(i,j) + h(j)
store the new h(i) = minj f(i)
to the node j with min
Ties for minimal f(j) values are broken randomly. LTRA* 'learns' the optimal path via repeated trails. As long as initial h(i) values are not over-stated, this algorithms is guaranteed to find a solution. Over repeated trials, LTRA* will find the most optimal solution. It should be noted, that using the proper heuristic estimation function will speed up finding the optimal solution. A simple example of the difference good heuristics can make can be observed in the 8-puzzle game. The 8-puzzle consists of 8 numbered, movable tiles, in a 3x3 frame. One of the cells of the frame is empty, which makes it possible to move the tiles. The object of the puzzle is to transform one configuration of the tiles into another. Two well-known heuristic estimation functions for this problem are: the number of misplaced tiles, and the sum total of the Manhattan distances of misplaced tiles.
The first function is easily understood: if x
tiles are incorrectly placed, then the estimation function h(i)
would return x. The second formula is only slightly harder to grasp.
A Manhattan distance measurement is equated by summing the horizontal
and vertical distances of each tile from its goal position. Thus, if the
tiles are currently in the following position:
Current state
And the goal is to
arrange the tile in this manner:
Goal State
Then, since the '1' tile is in the correct position, its Manhattan distance is 0. The '2' is shifted 1 position horizontally and 2 positions vertically from its goal position, adding up to a distance of 3.
Distance | |||
Tile | Horizontal | Vertical | Manhattan |
By counting the number of non-zero manhattan distances, we arrive at the number of misplaced tiles in this example: 8.
A good heuristic function should estimate the cost of moving from the current state to the goal state, as accurately as possible, but without over estimating the distance. Since every tile must be moved individually, the Manhattan displacement of a tile will never exceed the number of moves required to move it into its correct position. The total cost of moving all the tiles into their correct positions can never exceed the sum total Manhattan distance. The misplaced tiles metric can be calculated by counting the number of non-zero Manhattan numbers, and therefore will never be greater than the Manhattan distance. From the above, we derive the following relationships:
misplaced_tiles(i) ? manhattan(i) ? h(i)
This clearly shows that the Manhattan distance is a better estimation to use as a heuristic function.
Real-Time A*
Real-Time A*(RTA*), is exactly the same as LRTA*, which one exception. When the new value of h(i) is stored, it is updated with the second least value. So, the algorithm for RTA* reads:
for each neighbor j of current node i
compute f(j) = k(i,j) + h(j)
store the new h(i) = secondminj f(j)
to the node j with min
The key difference between RTA* and LRTA* (updating h(i) withsecondminj f(j) versusminj f(j)) allows an agent using the RTA* to make locally-optimal decisions on tree structures. That is, the path toward the goal chosen by RTA* has the minimum estimated cost based on the already-obtained information. Although this allows RTA* to overestimate heuristic costs, RTA* learn more efficiently on a single trial, and will usually arrive at the goal quicker. If a problem is to be solved repeatedly with the same goal state but different initial states, LRTA* will improve its performance over time, and eventually converge on the optimal solutions to along all paths.
Moving Target Search
Moving Target Search (MTS) allows one to relax the assumption that the goal location remains stationary. This allows the target to move while the search is in progress. The goal is reached when both the solver and the target are standing on the same node in the graph.
Several variables are used in this search algorithm: xi is the current position of the problem solver, xj is neighbor positions of problem solver, yi is the current position of target, and yj is the neighbor positions of target.
The algorithm has two parts, one part to be executed when the problem solver moves, the other to be executed when the target moves.
When problem solver moves
For each neighbor
calculate h(xj, yi)
Update h(xi, yi) = max (h(xi, yi), minx'j h(x'j,
yi + 1)
Move to xj where min h(xj, yj) and update xi
When target moves:
Calculate h(xi, yj)
for target's new yj
h(xi, yi) = max (h(xi, yi), h(xi, yj) – 1)
Update position yi = yj
Real-Time Bidirectional Search
Real-time Bidirectional Search (RTBS) involves two agents simultaneously searching is the same environment. There are two types of RTBS: centralized and decoupled. In centralized RTBS, agents coordinate their actions for mutual benefit. In decoupled RTBS, each agent chooses its actions independently. One agent maybe even works against the other agent, albeit unintentionally. The algorithm is fairly simple, because it must use another, previous algorithm for the actual searching.
Repeated execute following:
Control step: select forward or backwards
Forward move: Problem solver from initial state moves towards second, 'target' agent.
move: Solver from goal state moves towards first agent.
In Centralized RTBS, one algorithm to use is LRTA*/B, a bidirectional version of LRTA*. The algorithm is described as follows (adapted from [4], with modifications to allows costs > 1):
Update the value of h(x, y) as follows:
If minx'
h(x', y) < miny' h(x, y'), select a
forward move.
If minx'
h(x', y) > miny' h(x, y'), select a backward
Otherwise, select a forward or backward move
Backward move:
Move the backward
problem solver to the neighbor x'
with the minimum h(x, y'),
i.e., assign the value of y'
to y. (Ties are broken
strategy calculates all possible forward and backward moves, and selects
the best choice. Both solvers are completely controlled by the centralized
decision-maker. The control strategy of LRTA*/B clearly shows
the coordination of the two agents: the solver whose h(x, y)
distance estimation for reaching the other agent is smaller is allowed
to move. Since the move with the smaller cost total is always taken, LRTA*/B
will take the shortest path which can be found with LTRA*.
In Decoupled RTBS, agents do not coordinate their moves, but independently seek to meet with the other agent. The only search algorithm which can handle this independence is the MTS algorithm. Ishida describes a bidirectional MTS, called MTS/B in [4]. The bidirectional MTS/B differs from the unidirectional MTS mainly in the fact that both agents are actively seeking to rendezvous with the other agent.
In the decoupled control strategy, the algorithm “employs the minimal control necessary to ensure the termination of the algorithm” [1]. This results in both problem solvers independently making all decisions. The algorithm described in both [1] and [4] simply select forward and backward moves alternately.
surprising constraint of MTS/B is that the problem solver must move faster
than the target. This assumption was originally introduced in the description
of MTS, when the target was trying to avoid the problem solver. This assumption
must remain in order to prevent the agents from infinitely looping. With
out this assumption, infinite looping could occur when agents are on opposites
sides of an obstacle. If each agent attempts to move around the obstacle,
but end up either continually chasing each other around the obstacle, or
shuffling back and forth from side to side on opposite ends of the barrier.
addition to classifying RTBS algorithms into decoupled- and centralized-control,
each algorithm can be further sub-divided along the lines of how much information
is shared between agents. Agents can either share heuristic information
or maintain and update their own h(x, y) values. These classifications
are called: shared heuristic information
anddistributed heuristic information
schemes. MTS/B is a distributed heuristic decoupled-control RTBS algorithm,
while LRTA*/B is a shared heuristic centralized-controlRTBS algorithm.
The performance of both decoupled- and centralized control RTBS algorithms has been compared [1 and 4] against each other. When heuristic functions can be relied on to supply accurate values, the decoupled algorithm performed better. While the number of moves needed by the agents to rendezvous were approximately the same, the decoupled RTBS must only expand half as many states as the centralized version. This means that decisions can be made independently by the two problem solvers without losing efficiency, while halving the planning time needed. In uncertain situations, when the heuristic function cannot be relied upon to supply accurate values: the centralized strategy works best. The number of moves required by the centralized RTBS algorithm was approximately one-half that of its decoupled counterpart.
performance of both RTBS algorithms was also compared to Real-time Unidirectional
Search (RTUS). When the heuristic function is accurate, the difference
in number of moves required in decoupled-RTBS, centralized-RTBS and RTUS
is negligible. This is because, in clear situations, various search techniques
can be used do obtain near optimal solutions. In uncertain situations,
clear differences were observed, but can be generally applied. The comparison
of RTBS to RTUS is highly reliant on the problem type. For n-puzzles, RTBS
is clearly a better choice, reducing the number of moves over RTUS by a
factor of 2 for 15-puzzles, and by 6 for 24-puzzles. However, in randomly
generated mazes, RTUS becomes increasing better as the obstacle-ratio increases.
Modern search algorithms are based on asynchronous dynamic programming and can be categorized into two categories: off-line and real-time. Real-time is used when movement steps must be interleaved with planning steps.
Many different algorithms for searching have been proposed, the most often used algorithms include: A*, Learning Real-Time A* (LRTA*), Real-Time A* (RTA*), and Moving Target Search (MTS). A* is an often used off-line algorithm. LRTA* is a real-time version of A*. RTA* differs from LRTA* only in updating its heuristic values. MTS allows the problem solver to seek a target that moves.
Bidirectional search is when 2 agents want to rendezvous. Real-Time Bidirectional Search (RTBS) is categorized into two different levels coordination: decoupled and centralized. The information sharing can also be classified into: distributed or shared. LTRA*/B is centralized and shared, while MTS/B is decoupled and distributed.
Bidirectional search works similarly to unidirectional when heuristic functions are accurate, but often differ when distances are uncertain. Bidirectional works better for n-puzzle problems, unidirectional for mazes with a high (>20%) obstacle-density.
Moving-Target Search: A Real-Time Search for Changing Goals. T. Ishida. and R. Korf. IEEE Trans. on PAMI, Vol.17, No.6, 1995, p.609-619.
The Trailblazer Search: A New Method for Searching and Capturing Moving Targets. T. Sasaki, et al. AAAI-94, pp. 1,347-1,352. 1994
Two is not Always Better than One: Experiences in Real-Time Bidirectional Search. T. Ishida. Int'l Conf. Multi-Agent Systems (ICMAS-95, pp. 185-192. 1995
Multi-Agent Systems: A Modern Approach to Distributed Artificial Intelligence. G. Weiss (ed). MIT Press, 2001. Chapter 4, pp. 165-199.