in the framework of

"The 14th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science"

July 2 - July 5, 2003, Bucharest, Romania


NEW! Presentations and pictures

Special Sessions Selected Papers                CSCS14 Programme

Aim and Scope
Recent years have resulted in several exciting developments in the field of multi-agent systems (MAS). Today, multi-agent systems technology represents one of the most dynamic and promising fields in computer science aimed at building intelligent distributed systems and applications with autonomous entities designed to cooperate and/or coordinate their activities. To further promote the research, as part of the technical program of CSCS14, we plan a special session addressing multi-agent systems and their applications relevant to areas in the scope of the conference. The focus of the session will be on how the multi-agent paradigm may contribute to enhance the intelligence and flexibility of distributed applications. The special session aims at bringing together people from different relevant research fields to share their experience in developing and applying multi-agent systems technology. We encourage conceptual papers with emphasis on targeted applications, system papers, and application papers.

Authors are invited to submit previously unpublished contributions focused on the following areas of interest:

Paper Submission
Authors can either submit extended abstracts describing work in progress or they can choose to submit full draft papers (max. 6 pages). All submitted papers will be peer reviewed on the basis of technical quality, relevance, significance, and clarity.

Contributions should be written in English and should be submitted electronically in Postscript, PDF, or RTF format to the Special Session chair at the following email address: adina@cs.pub.ro by March 15. Templates for paper submission are available at http://cscs14.ics.pub.ro

Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings (6 page length limit). In order for the paper to be published, at least one author of the paper is required to register for the Conference.

Important Dates
Submission of extended abstracts or papers: March 25, 2003
Notification of acceptance: April 15, 2003
Submission of camera-ready papers: May 22, 2003

Conatct for Special Session
Adina Magda Florea
University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania
email: adina@cs.pub.ro

Further details on the conference (location, registration, venue, etc.) are to be found at the CSCS14 Web site:

Special Session Selected Papers

Session Chairs: Adina Magda FLOREA, Viorel NEGRU - ROMANIA Thursday, July 3, 2003, 11.00 – 13.30, Room C1

Programming e-commerce applications using the "Claim" language
 Alexandru Suna, Amal El Fallah-Seghrouchni – FRANCE

A multi-agent approach to a sales optimization application
 Calin Sandru, Viorel Negru, Daniel Pop - ROMANIA

Deploying multi-agent systems on small devices
 Cosmin Carabelea, Olivier Boissier - FRANCE, Adina Florea - ROMANIA

A meta-modeling based support for adaptive integrating in agent-based systems
 Cristina Mindruta - ROMANIA

Using statistical methods for partner selection in a multi-agent system
 Ioan Alfred Letia, Radu Razvan Slavescu - ROMANIA

Searching a target with a mobile robot
 Adriana Tapus - SWITZERLAND, Olivier Aycard – FRANCE

Conceptual models in multi-agent systems
 Adina Magda Florea, Eugenia Kalisz - ROMANIA

Team-oriented agent behavior in control systems
 Eugen Claudiu Persa, Dana Persa - ROMANIA

A multi-layer architecture for remote command integration
 Ozten Chelai - ROMANIA