Node No.21 |
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Intelligence and Multi-agent Systems Group
We are doing research on cognitive multi-agent systems, with special interest in coordination mechanisms, automated negotiation, multi-agent learning, MAS architectures and autonomy. We are investigating conceptual models to support constructive on-line group learning, and agent-based tools for cooperative learning and tele-working. We are also interested in developing hybrid
agent models based on the symbolic and evolutionary paradigms, and models
of affective agents. The targeted areas of applications are organisation coordination, in
particular virtual organisations, e-commerce, virtual environments for
learning, and CSCW . The leader of the group is Adina
Magda Florea, Professor of Artificial Intelligence at the
Department of Computer Science, "Politehnica" University. Special Session on MULTI-AGENT SYSTEMS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS in the framework of CSCS14, The 14th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, 2 - 5 July 5, 2003, Bucharest, Romania AI-MAS Group provided 12 PC-computers for the organisation of the ACM Student Collegiate Programing Contest, South-Eastern European Region, Bucharest, 19 October 2002. Continuous Education Program on Intelligent Agents Technology and Knowledge Processing, Bucharest, 24 June - 4 July 2001 Meetings 2002-2003
Prof. Olivier Boissier, École Nationale Superiéure des Mines de Saint-Etienne, June 2001, May 2002, April 2003 Prof. Henri Briand, École Polytechnique de l'Université de Nantes, December 2002.
Dr. Jacqueline Boniffay, IRESTE, Université de
Nantes, November 1998
Guillaume Verger, Université de
June - July 1998
Agentcities, supported by the European Commission 5th Framework program, acts as a global testbed for interoperability and composition of automated service components based on Agent technology.
![]() People Faculty Eugenia Kalisz Vasile Lungu Serban Radu Cristian Popescu Cooperation with: Stefan Trausan Ph.D. students Graduate students Bogdan Nedelcu Ovidiu Trascu George Stan Radu Negoescu Andrei Anghel Undergraduate students Oana Bucur Adelina Stanciulescu Irina Dumitrascu Cosmin Rentea Octavian Costache Bogdan Panghe
Dan Tecuci
Ben Bratu
Suzana Jerpelea
Valeriu Bajenaru
Laurentiu Dragan
Contact: adina@cs.pub.ro
Last update: May 2003