C., O. Boissier, A. Florea. Autonomy in multi-agent systems: A
classification attempt. In Proc. of he First International Workshop on
Computational Autonomy - Potential, Risks, Solutions (Autonomy 2003) held in
conjunction with AAMAS 2003, Melbourne, Australia, 14-15 July, 2003 (in
C., O. Boissier, A. Florea. Autonomie dans les systèmes multi-agents.
In Proc. of JFSMA'03, Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents,
Hammamet, Tunisie, 27-29 Novembre 2003 - submitted.
A., C. Carabelea. Genetic Models for the Rational Exploitation of
Resources. In "Advances in Soft Computing - Engineering, Design and
Manufacturing", Springer Engineering Series, 2003 (in print).
Florea, A.,
E. Kalisz. Conceptual models in multi-agent systems. In Proc. of
CSCS14, the 14th International Conference on Control Systems and
Computer Science, Bucharest, 2-4 July, 2003 (in print).
C., O. Boissier, A. Florea. Deploying multi-agent systems on small devices.
In Proc. of CSCS14, the 14th International Conference on
Control Systems and Computer Science, Bucharest, 2-4 July, 2003 (in print).
A. Using Utility Values in Argument-based Negotiation. Proc. of
IC-AI'02, the 2002 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, CSREA
Press, Las
Vegas, Nevada, 24-27 June 2002.
A., E. Kalisz, C. Carabelea. Genetic Multi-agent Planning of Self-interested
Agents. In Proc. of GECCO-2002, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation
Conference, New York, July 9-13, 2002.
C. Adaptive Agents in Argumentation-Based Negotiation. Springer
Verlag LNAI series, 2002.
A., E. Kalisz, Anticipatory Attributes of Agent Behaviour in MAS.
In Proc. of CASYS'2001, the
5th Int. Conference on Computing Anticipatory Systems,
Liege, Belgia, 13-18August 2001,
p.245-252. To be published in AIP (American Institute of Physics) Conference
Proceedings, 2001.
E., D. Dubois. Precision and Stability Analysis of Incursive and Hyperincursive
Algorithms. In Proc. of CASYS2001, the 5th Int. Conference on
Computing Anticipatory Systems, Liege, 13-18 August 2001.
A. Introduction to Multi-Agent Systems. In Proc. of Continuous Education
Program on Intelligent Agents Technology and Knowledge Processing, Bucharest,
24 June - 4 July 2001, p.49-60.
A. Applications of MAS in Open and Distance Learning. In Proc. of
Continuous Education Program on Intelligent Agents Technology and Knowledge
Processing, Bucharest, 24 June - 4 July 2001, p.232-241.
C. Unified Arguments for Argumentation-Based Negotiation. In Proc.
of Continuous Education Program on Intelligent Agents Technology and Knowledge
Processing, Bucharest, 24 June - 4 July
2001, p.257-263.
V., A. Florea, and A.M. Stanescu. Collaborative Enterprise Universitary
Pilot Architectural Model. In Proc. of ICE2001, 7th International Conference
on Concurrent Enterprising, Bremen, Germany, 27-29 June 2001, p.311-318.
A., Carabelea, C. Modeling argumentation-based negotiation in intelligent
agents virtual societies. In Proc. of the "Virtual Environments" Symposium
of the Romanian Academy Center for Artificial Intelligence and "Politehnica"
University of Bucharest, Bucharest, 23-24 May 2001.
A., E. Kalisz, and C. Carabelea. Genetic prediction of a multi-agent
environment evolution. CASYS'2000, Liege, Belgium, 7-12 August 2000.
Best paper award “Belgium Crystal” at the “Neural networks, fuzzy systems,
and genetic algorithms” Section of CASYS'2000. Published in AIP
(American Institute of Physics) Conference Proceedings nr.573 - Computing
Anticipatory Systems, p.217-224.
A. Genetic Estimation of Competitive Agents Behavior. In Proc. of
CEC2000, the Congress on Evolutionary Computation, San Diego, CA, USA,
July 16-19, 2000, p.418-423.
A.M., V. Cristea, A.M. Florea, A. Curaj. Cluster projects for promoting
within concurrent enterprising paradigm.In
Proc. of the 6th Int. Conference on Concurent Enterprising (ICE2000), Toulouse,
France, 28-30 June, 2000, p.173-180.
A. Agent-oriented software engineering and methodologies. In Proc.
of the 4th Simposyum on Management and Engineering of Software Products,
Bucharest, 18-19 May, 2000, p.77-84.
Kalisz, E. and A. Florea. A GPSS simulation model
of interactions in a market-based multi-agent system. Agent-based Simulation
Workshop 2000, Passau, 2-3 May, 2000. GPSS
Florea, A., S. Pentiuc, and D. Kayser. Cours Web
interactif sur les agents intelligents. VIIèmes Journées
Internationales de Technologie, Beyrouth, 2-4 May, 2000.
Florea, A. and B. Panghe. Achieving Cooperation
of Self-interested Agents Based on Cost. 15th European Meeting on Cybernetics
and System Research, Session: From Agent Theory to Agent Implementation,
25-28 April, 2000, Viena.
Florea, A., D. Kayser, and E. Le Cren. Construction
et gestion d’un telecours sur les agents intelligents. Deuxiemes entretiens
internationaux sur l’enseignement à distance, Poitier, December,
Florea, A. An
agent-based collaboration learning system. In Proc. of ICCE99, The
7th International Conference on Computers in Education, Chiba, Japonia,
4-7 November 1999, p.161-164.
Cristea, P. and A. Florea. Artificial
Intelligence and Neural Network Based Tools for Cooperative Learning.
In Proc. of International Workshop on Interactive Computer Aided Learning
Tools and Applications, M. Auer, U. Ressier (Eds.). Villach, 6-8 October,
Florea, A. and P. Cristea. Multi-Agent
Model of Manufacturing Systems. In Proc. of WMC’99, the Second World
Manufacturing Congress, Durham, 27-30 September, 1999, p.282-288.
Florea, A. Le
professeur virtuel: fiction ou réalité? Colloque "Universités
virtuelles, vers un enseignement égalitaire", Edmundston, 27-29
August, 1999.
Florea, A. A Virtual Environment for Collaborative
Learning. In Proc. of RILW’99, the 2nd Romanian Internet Learning Workshop,
Cluj, 15-28 August, 1999, p.123-132.
Florea, A. Cost-based
cooperation of self-interested agents. In Proc of CSCS12, the 12th
International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, Bucharest,
26-28 May, 1999, p.62-67.
Florea, A. The
impact of teleworking on organisations and human resources. In Proc.
of the 3rd Symposium on "The Role of Education and Research in the Development
of Information Society", Bucharest, 22-23 April, 1999, p.29-35.
Cristea, V. and A. Florea. Concurrent
learning in virtual organisations. In Proc. of ICE'99, the 5th International
Conference on Concurrent Enterprising, Hague, 15-17 March, 1999, p.385-392.
Florea, A. An argumentation-based model for agent
coordination. Symposium of the "Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science"
Section of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, 3 June, 1999.
Florea, A. TLI:
A model of default reasoning. Scientific Bulletin of "Politehnica"
University of Bucharest, Series C, Vol. 60, No.3-4,1998, p.367-379.
Florea, A. and D. Tecuci. A multi-agent system for
coordinating organizations. In Proc. of the 6th Int. Symp. on Automatic
Control and Computer Science, SACCS'98, Iasi, 20-21 November, 1998, p.209-214.
Cristea, V. and A. Florea. Collaboration
in high-performance computing via Internet. International Conference
Internet98, Vinnitsa, 15-20 November 1998.
Florea, A. Computer
supported cooperative learning. Higher Education in Europe, CEPES,
UNESCO, Vol. XXIII, No. 2, 1998, p.195-204.
Florea, A. and D. Tecuci. Modeling
plausible behaviour of cognitive agents. In Proc. of the Summer School
on "Agent-based Approaches in Intelligent Systems", Bucharest, 13-16 July,
1998, p.63-72.
Florea, A., D. Tecuci, and B. Panghe. AGCOR:
A system for organizational design and coordination using intelligent agents.
In Proc. of the Summer School on "Agent-based Approaches in Intelligent
Systems", Bucharest, 13-16 July, 1998, p.177-186.
Florea, A. Intelligent
agents technology in virtual enterprise design. In Preprints of ISoCE’98,
the First International Symposium on Concurrent Enterprising, Sinaia, 4-6
June, 1998, p.107-117.
Florea, A. Explanation-based learning and argumentation
theory. Symposium on "Logic of Action and Argumentation Theory", Bucharest,
27-28 June, 1998.
Florea, A. Multi-agent system technology. PC Report,
No. 64, January 1998, p.16-17.
Florea, A. Intelligent multi-agent systems. PC Report,
No. 64, January 1998, p.18-21.
Tecuci, D. Extending single-agent learning techniques
to MAS. In Proc. of the Summer School on "Agent-based Approaches in Intelligent
Systems", Bucharest, 13-16 July, 1998, p.125-132.
Panghe, B. Extensions for a small communication library
with primitives for broadcast and multicast. CONTI’98, Timisoara, 29-30
October, 1998.
Coarfa, C. Negotiation-based multiagent system. In
Proc. of the Summer School on "Agent-based Approaches in Intelligent Systems",
Bucharest, 13-16 July, 1998, p.197-192.
Florea, A. Assumption-based
reasoning of intelligent agents. In Proc. of CSCS11, the 11th International
Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, Bucharest, 28-30 May,
1997, p.126-133.
Florea, A. Multi-agent systems, an overview. 1997.
Florea, A. and A. Moldovan. An
intelligent e-mail agent. In Proc. of ROSE'96, the 4th Romanian Conference
on Open Systems, Bucharest, 30 Oct. - 2 Nov., 1996, p.91-99.
Florea, A. Artificial intelligence and uncertainty.
BYTE Romania, Vol. 2 No. 8, 1996.
Popa,C. and A. Florea. Prolog,
automata and human action. Studies and Researches in Economics and
Informatics, February, 1996, p.15-35.
Florea,A. Internet intelligent agents. BYTE Romania,
Vol. 1, No. 4, 1995, p.53-56.
Florea, A., D. Tecuci, and B. Panghe. LISP Programs
for Artificial Intelligence. Sfera, 1998.
Florea, A. and A. Boangiu. Logical Foundations
of Artificial Intelligence. UPB, 1994.
Florea, A. Artificial Intelligence. UPB, 1993.
Kalisz, E. and A. Florea. Pascal Programming.
UPB, 1992.
New projects
A., D. Kayser, S. Pentiuc. Agents intelligents, Grant of “Agence Universitaire
de la Francophonie”, 2001-2002.
IP: Continuous Education Program on Intelligent Agents Technology and
Knowledge Processing, IP 50545-IC-1-1999-1-RO-ERASMUS-IP-6, 24 June
- 4 July 2001 – coordination.
Florea, A., D. Kayser,
S. Pentiuc. Représentation logique
des connaissances pour les agent intelligents, Grant AUPELF-UREF No.
11018/99, in the framework of the "Université Virtuelle Francophone"
Programme, 1999-2000.
on Information and Communication Technologies through Personalized ODL,
EU Leonardo project RO/99/1/083614/PI/I.1.1.a/FPI, 2000-2001 - participation.
- Application of Artificial Intelligence and Neural Network Techniques
to ODL”, EU Socrates-Minerva project, 2000-2002 - participation.
A. e.a. Education Program on Intelligent Agents Technology, Grant
of CNFIS No. 57, 2001-2002.
Florea, A. e. a. AGCOR: A system for organisational
design and coordination using intelligent agents. Grant of the World
Bank and the Ministry of National Education No.51, 1999-2002.
Florea, A. e.a. Intelligent agents for automatic
transactions in virtual environments II: Learning to negotiate. Grant
CNCSIS nr. 33084/2001-2003, Theme No. 632,, 2002.
Florea, A. e.a. Intelligent agents for automatic
transactions in virtual environments I: Negotiation mechanisms. Grant
CNCSIS nr. 33084/2001-2003, Theme No. 632,, 2001.
Florea, A., e.a. Information ecosystem with inteligent
agents III: Emergent behavior in the information ecosystem. Grant ANSTI
No.5076/1999-2001, Theme No. B81, 2001.
A., e.a. Information ecosystem with inteligent agents II: Simulation
of the information ecosystem. Grant ANSTI No.5076/1999-2001,
Theme No. B81, 2000.
Florea, A., e.a. Information ecosystem with inteligent
agents I: Study of information ecosystems. Grant ANSTI No. 5076/99,
Theme No. B81, 1999.
Florea, A., e.a. Market mechanisms in artificial
intelligent agents societies II: Adapting agents to society rules.
Grant CNCSIS No. 33084/1999-2000, Theme No.109/1261, 2000.
Florea, A., e. a. Market mechanisms in artificial
intelligent agents societies I: Reasoning strategies based on market mechanisms.
Grant CNCSIS No. 33084/1999, Theme No. 48/757, 1999.
Florea, A., e.a. A market-based model and associated
tools for the coordination and automatic learning of intelligent agents
in open systems II: Automatic learning of intelligent agents, Grant
ANSTI No.67/1999-2000, Theme No. 2.1.2 B2,2000.
Florea, A., e. a. A market-based model and associated
tools for the coordination and automatic learning of intelligent agents
in open systems I: Cooperation model based on market mechanisms and associated
algorithms. Research report. Grant ANSTI No. 883/ 67/1999, Theme No. 2.1.2
B2, 1999.
Florea, A., e.a. An agent-based collaboration
learning system. Grant of the Romanian Academy, No. 6111/2000 Theme
No. B64, 2000.
Florea, A. e.a. Coordination and cooperation in multi-agent
systems. Research Report. CNCSU Grant No. 32/1998-45/562, 1998.
Florea, A. e.a. Intelligent agents in computer-supported
cooperative work. Research Report. Romanian Academy Grant, No.18, 1998.
Florea, A. e.a. Cognitive interactions in multi-agent
systems II: Social interactions and learning. Research report. Romanian
Academy-MCT Grant No. 3042GR-A31, 1998.
Cristea, V. e.a. Technical specifications of CoLaborator:
a multi-user reasearch base for high-performance computing. Technical report.
Grant of the World Bank and the Ministry of National Education, October
Costinescu, B. e.a. Rainbow: Romanian Artificial
Intelligence Bowl in Education. Technical report. CNCSU Grant No. 32/1998-34/67,
Cristea,V. e.a. Modern dictionary of informatics.
Romanian Academy-MCT Grant No. 3042GR-A23, 1998. A. Florea contribution:
“Artificial Intelligence” and “Multi-agent systems” sections of the dictionary,
Florea, A. e.a. Cognitive interactions in multi-agent
systems. I: Reasoning and communicating. Research report. Romanian Academy-MCT
Grant No. 3042GR-B35, 1997.
Florea, A e.a. Intentional attitudes and communications.
Research Report. CNCSU Grant No. 7001-74/558, 1997.
Popa, C. and A. Florea. Logic programming and human
activities. Research Report. CNCSU Grant No. 13-332099, 1995.