Continuous Education Program on Intelligent Agents Technology and Knowledge Processing

University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, 24 June - 4 July 2001



      The Intensive Programme (IP) is a continuous education programme aimed at educating and training the developers and users of the Information Society. The content of the IP focuses on the new technologies of intelligent agents and knowledge processing that permit intelligent distributed problem solving and the development of intelligent applications for networked collaborative work.

       The proposed IP is conceived for three years. During its first year - 2001, the IP presents the basic aspects of intelligent agents, multi-agent systems (MAS), and knowledge processing. From this last topic relevant parts for MAS development are presented. The IP also covers some application areas of MAS that significantly benefit of the intelligent agent concept and give an idea about how to tackle problems using these new information technologies.

       During the second and third year, the next editions of our programme will draw from the obtained experience, and will be structured into two parts. The first part will cover new directions of research and development in MAS, and the second part will be an in-depth presentation of MAS applications. Special working groups with the purpose of actually program and develop applications will be organized in the second and third year of the project. The long-term goal is to try to create a M.A.S. programme on Intelligent Agents Technology that will be included in the curricula of the partner universities and of other European universities.

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